MySQL Commands - Adding User, Backup and Restore
Adding new user to access the database Syntax: mysqldump -u [username] -p [password] [databasename] > [backupfile.sql] Examples: mysql> GRANT all ON mydatabase.* TO myuser@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword'; mysql> GRANT all ON mydatabase.* TO myuser@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Making Backup of the Database Syntax: mysqldump -u[mysqluser] -p[password] [databasename] > [destinationfile.sql] Example: $ mysqldump -utestaccount -pg3pass employeefile > employeefile-dump.sql Restoring MySQL Database $ mysql -uaccount -ppassword employeefile Making Backup of the existing Table Syntax: create table <Table Destination> as select * from <Table Source>; Example: create table RADUSAGE_09082009 as select * from RADUSAGE;